Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I've read a lot of good reviews about Calaguas and I've seen a lot of pictures of it which really caught my interest. It was already a week before holy week when I called Mang Boy who is highly recommended by most blogs that I've read, for the boat rental. Rate is 1,500 for 2 person.

It was wednesday night (holy week), around 11 in the evening when I and a friend left Lipa and drove all the way to Paracale, Camarines Norte.  Past 7 am, Thursday,  we reached the town proper of Paracale. Please take note that Suncell has no signal in Paracale so I was very thankful that I brought a Smart sim. I was able to contact Mang Boy. He was very accommodating. He lend us his styro box and some utensils for free. The only problem that we encountered is that we waited for I think 3 hours for another group to arrive because we'll be riding a boat with another group. (kaya pala mura)

Mang Boy
 It was almost 11 in the morning when we started sailing to Calaguas. Imagine the 2 hour boat ride in the middle of the day,  so when we arrived at calaguas,  we already have a burnt skin. (how I wish i brought a sunblock).

Then we finally reached the beach and I felt very happy. Just like a kid excited to swim and play and enjoy the water and sand.  I can't describe its beauty. I've been to Boracay and El nido and I can't compare it to those beaches. This place has its own beauty.

I took some pictures and these shots are all unedited.

We placed our tent somewhere in the middle of the beach which I think is a good spot because it is near the water supply "poso" and a small store. We had a wonderful spot here, however there's a group with a very noisy generator just in front of our tent. I was thankful that they did not run it during the night, we all have a very sound sleep.

The fine sand and clear water of calaguas

Sunset in calaguas is also very spectacular. Night came and the full moon became the star of the night. I so love everything here. Since there's no electricity, I was able to appreciate more the beauty of night sky, the stars, the big full moon This beach is really worth visiting.

Our original plan is to stay for only one night, but because we find it "bitin", we extended for another day. We could have stayed until sunday, its just that we don't have enough clothes (and money for buying food... hehehe).

I'll definitely go back to Calaguas. As of the time of this writing, Calaguas is number 1 beach in my list.

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